Ninja Journalist は、私がときおり訪問するニュース系ブログサイトの一つ。世界中にいる投稿者が送る記事はとても適切に時代と地域をきりとっているように思う。そのなかの以下の記事。
10 Things Japanese People Do Better Than You | Ninja Journalist
Japan has always been one of the countries that sits quietly in the corner, whilst places such as the UK and USA make all the headlines. However, it’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for; so they say. In fact, Japanese people are doing a ton of things a lot better than the rest of the world. From technology to comic books, here are the 10 things Japanese people do better than the rest of the world.
- Video Games
- Vending Machines(自動販売機)
- Food
- Anime and Manga
- Public Transport(公共交通機関)
- Punctuality(時間厳守ということ)
- Toilets
- Restaurants
- Customer Service(利用者・お客への対応・サービス)
- Technology